Monday, May 27, 2013


So I haven't been posting anything, or even really journaling (except for on instagram because I'm a total instagram addict) because I haven't quite known what to say about the adventure that I am currently on and the adventure yet to be had. It seemed quite arrogant of me to think that anybody would care what I was thinking, and honestly I haven't even had the slightest idea of what I've been thinking myself.

I'm still not sure I know, but here I am attempting a blog post. My sister very very wisely encouraged me to stay away from the internet and to just be in Europe. I think that will not be quite as hard when I find myself with people my own age, currently I am spending all of my hours with my dad. My wonderful wonderful father. He has so graciously financed this whole adventure, and I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude, and maybe feeling a bit guilty for how spoiled I am.

I found myself not adequately pursuing the Lord immediately before I left and right when I got here and it became so evident in my attitude. Isaiah is my go to when I dont know where to go and while walking in Kylekin ( Southern Isle of Skye) last night, at the foot of a Celtic Cross, on the side of the mountain on the shore of an amazing lake, I was reminded of the verst that says "For the mountains my depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you" (Is. 54:10).

Unbelievable. So, humbled by that, and the fact that I'm in Scotland, a little over 4000 miles from home, I venture on in writing about my trip. I'll mostly be posting photos...And some thoughts. My thoughts are less interesting though.

So- I'll be gone till August. Woof. Here we go.

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