Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hannah's Take Europe 2013

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.”  
-Jane Austen 

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” 
― C.S. Lewis

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
― Albert Camus

In the past 12 days, Hannah Virginia and I have traveled from separation to Milan, Venice, Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, back to Milan, Lake Como, Zurich, and to marriage. There is just no avoiding when traveling together- especially for that long. No avoiding the parts of us that we would both love to avoid. No avoiding lines, no avoiding heat, and for us no avoiding side splitting laughter at least 28 times a day. And we have decided to chronicle our sojourn on this here blog. We decided to share oneish photo from everyday of our trip. 


Travel Day to Rome

Cause who doesn't stop for corn on the cob when you're lost and can't find your hostel. 

St. Peters, Sistine and Trevi all in one day. 

Rome II/ Florence (half tourist half travel day)
The Coliseum and getting to Florence with the most amazing Hostel Mom, ever. 

More shopping than you can imagine and so much beautiful art, this was probably our favorite city. I felt quite at home there. 

Florence 2 (on to Cinque Terre)

Cinque Terre (Joined by Eric and Joy) 

Cinque Terre in the Morning/ Milan in the Evening
Milan was Dark when we were there so no pics of that. Lizard Fish. 

Como and Train to Zurich

Zurich/ Luzern/ Alps
This was one of the most beautiful days of my life. 

Pilatus and Last day together 
 The perfect old renovated farm house we've been staying in.

Hannah Virginia has fallen asleep while I finish this post so I'm going to take over the writing. Over the past 12 days we have walked miles, and when I say that I mean we've probably walked all of Italy. We have laughed harder than I can ever remember laughing and we have also cried. There is nobody on this planet I could have done this much traveling with and I am forever grateful for how patient Hannah is with all of my antics. This may in fact, be the first time that she has started something and I have finished it, usually I start something and she comes in to pick up the pieces of where I've been distracted. I know this may seem corny to some of you all, but there is simply nothing more precious to me than a friend who can peer through my lonely and see me for who I am. We talk about how we both feel as though there is no need to fill a role around each other and how freeing that can be. Our wild hearts find a bit of solace and simultaneous adventure with each other and for that I am so truly grateful.  Words seem to hardly do our friendship justice, but this is my best attempt.

Love from both of us, 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Staying in Switzerland.

So- it is official, I will be living in Switzerland studying at L'Abri fellowship until December. This is a long and complicated story I may try to avoid the gory details of it all but essentially, I have decided that the healthiest and most appealing option for me is to stay here.

The process started when a few very treasured and wonderful friends posed to me that it may be good for me to continue the learning that I am doing here. I didn't take them seriously at all. Then, slowly, very slowly, I loosened my grip on the plan that I was so determined to achieve. That plan, has just been postponed. So originally I had planned to move to Chattanooga in August and start my masters in marriage and family therapy. The only difference is that I will be doing that in January now.

Studying at L'Abri has been one of the most enriching, challenging and encouraging experiences in my life. I have uncovered so many questions and flaws in my thinking that I am so thankful to grow from. I decided I wasn't ready to leave, and even more that I wasn't even close to ready to move to Chattanooga and face all that the city has for me.

The Lord is gracious in revealing himself to me through people and places, prayers and so many other things.

I sincerely hope that those of you who read this are not hurt I have not informed you personally. I had no idea how to tell everybody with very limited internet access. So, please forgive the informal, impersonal nature of this message. It was a quick decision, literally from breakfast to dinner I changed my entire life. Gratitude seems such a trite word to describe how thankful I am for the people, parents and siblings who have supported me in this. Love you you all.

 VeVey. Picture curtesy of Justin Massey. Lake Geneva in the background.

 Making Russian Vegetable pie with my favorite guys. 

These are just some random photos. I'm gonna put up a ton today. Get ready.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Charmed by the Alps

Well I've been in Switzerland for about 2 weeks now and have officially extended my stay at L'Abri until July 17th.  These are like the smallest fraction of all the pictures of people and things I love about being here. Its completely charmed me in every way. I love so much about being here.

 This is Leo- a little boy who is clearly my soul mate.

 sisterhood of the banafii pie.

 The Castle of Gruyere
 my butterfly
Sunsets at targets
The Glory that is Switzerland. Oh yeah- this is where I'm currently living. Words arent adequate to describe life here. 

Friday, May 31, 2013


I feel as though I maybe am going to be quite awful at this blogging business over the summer. I thought to myself before I left "Oh I'm going to do such a great job keep everybody updated I"m going to post every day and people will love it" That was both arrogant and ignorant all at the same time.

At this point I think it might be wise to post that currently I am staying in the English countryside and find myself quite anglosized using the more sophisticated sounding language, mostly because I love it and have always thought that I would be fantastic at being british.

Anyways- my dad and I went to Edinburg for 3 days and then up to the Isle Of Skye for 2 days and Here are some of my best photos from that trip.

The city was charming and old. I felt as though I had transported back in time, I actually hoped I would. I love me some history. I had originally thought that I would put all of my Scotland photos into this post, and then found that was not in fact going to happen. SO- alas I am again defeated by how many pictures I have taken, here is Edinburg.

 From the Elephant House Cafe where JK Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter
 I dont actually know what this is but it was up the Royal Mile shortly before the Castle

 From inside St. Giles (Do not tell them that I just didn't pay the 2 pounds to take photos)
 The Beautiful city from on top of Arthur's Seat

 Dad and I on top of Arthur's Seat
 The Harbor at Leith

The Sir Walter Scott Monument.

Loved this city and so thankful for this experience